New Directions (yes I’m a Glee fan)

For those of you who’ve followed my patchwork blog…get ready for a new direction: I’m beginning an MBA program on Friday and I must keep a journal. So…for the next two years (!) tune in here to find out what I’m learning and thinking about on the MBA side of things. You are forgiven if you have no interest in reading about my MBA!

My goal is that there will still be the occasional  travel/craft/culture/shoes related post.

Scarecrow, Tin Man, Dorothy, Cowardly Lion

Scarecrow, Tin Man, Dorothy, Cowardly Lion

So our first writing assignment for the MBA is on, can leadership be learned? I wanted to take the Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz characters as inspiration for my answer in honor of my blog title, but then realized that my journal entry assignment is on a slightly different topic. More on leadership in a later post.

  • Why are you doing an MBA and what would you like to gain from the programme?

As faithful readers will know, I’ve been living in Jordan for the past three years and working for Tanasuk Technologies, a software  development firm. I’ve really enjoyed working for a start up coming and would love to be part of the company as it grows and expands into new locations (we have a second office opening in Kenya this winter!) I like creating systems and strategic planning and there is so much I can learn about how to do my job better. I also like that an MBA allows me to stay eclectic and keep my options open…any time I want to start a business in one of my other fields of interest (fashion! food! birth! ruins!) I can transition easily.

  • What can you contribute to other members of the cohort and what would you like to gain from others in the programme?

While I don’t have an extensive business background I’m excited to contribute what I have learned about the process of getting a new company off the ground and running. I also think I will make a good team member. I can contribute organization, critical thinking, planning and writing skills to any projects we undertake.

I’m really looking forward to learning from everyone’s experience in business and the structure/activities of their different organizations. I also have so much to learn about the business culture of the Middle East and on a personal level about Arab culture. I’m looking forward to getting to practice my arabic speaking and listening skills during discussion time 🙂

  • What will your employer gain from your participation in the programme?

As Tanasuk expands I hope that my MBA experience will take me to the next level where I can really give insight into what directions the company takes and independently consult and advise on the opening of new branches across the region.

  • What will be your biggest challenge in undertaking the programme and how do you think you will be able to overcome that challenge? I’m a procrastinator. I like to do things at the last minute. I like the rush of trying to beat a deadline. I think that could be a problem with the class times and deadlines being so spread out. I do better when I’m working with other people and I hope I can tap into the community support of others in the program to help me stay on top of things.